
Saturday 28 April 2018

More vexillology

Hello again.

Opportunities to actually finish things seem a little thin on the ground nowadays, a view not helped by my desire to paint my own flags. I could print off some examples from one of the various websites covering such things. I could purchase examples from one of the various purveyors of such things. I could just use fewer flags!

But, what greater focal point is there than a big flag or three to finish off a unit? Back in WRG 6th days, it always seemed to be the armies that could have personal army and/ or sacred standards that I came back to when trying to find out what army I wanted to collect and when trying to develop that "killer list" to try and enhance my dodgy generalship. Ancients was never really my thing, so I needed all the help I could get!

I like flags, banners and standards, which is probably why my butterfly tendencies seem most at home in those centuries when such things feature strongly and prominently. My English and Scottish medieval, my Swiss and Burgundian armies, my Thirty Years' War collection, my fledgling Williamite and Jacobite forces all feature prominent and numerous vexilla. So it is only right and proper that my French & Indian Wars units have the same treatment. Even my 10mm Crimean War Russians have flags! It might also explain why, despite the best of intentions, I still cannot bring myself to paint my any of the Second World War stuff I own, my Vietnam War figures, the Macedonians/ Successors I have had lying around for almost twenty years...

So here are the latest examples of the breed, courtesy of some calico, some brass wire and some acrylic paint.

His Majesty's 27th Regiment of Foot (The Inniskillings) will soon be done and their standards are here to help rally the troops to completion and an outing at Barrage in Stafford on 8th July.


The figures are Redoubt

I hope I have done the regiment justice. I like the difference between their flags and the norm for British Army units in this period, the regimental number simply replaced by the fortification badge of the city of Enniskillen/ Inniskilling.

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