
Thursday 5 April 2012

Taking the plunge (well, dipping a toe...)

Just a quickie.

Those who have followed my recent "tankathon" will know that I have succombed to the "delights" of Flames of War. Well," succombed" does not quite cover it, more like "resigned myself to the need to join in" perhaps. Anyway, with the little learning videos on the Battlefront website duly watched, a fair amount of turgid rulebook read and a few glances at some comparative vehicle stats held firmly under the belt (in what little room is left after all those buffets.........), I will have my first formal lesson tomorrow.

Scottish Paul will no doubt teach my fledgling 2nd SS Panzer Division chappies a lesson in what not to do, but I am looking forward to the experience. I have not played any game since WMMMS back on 11th March, so a bit rusty in the rolling dice arena, but the kit is ready and it would be sad not to use it.

So "Laissez Allez!/ Dex Aie!/ Charge!/ En Haye!/ etc" and time to chase after those dogs of war that some careless soul has let slip. I doubt I will cry "God" for Harry or any other member of our current Royal family (monarchist though I am), but the odd "Damned dice", "Verdammte Amerikaner/ Russen/ Englander", "What the £&£%^$% am I doing???" or similar may be heard.

I will try and remember the camera for a few pics of "the first one" (everybody remembers that first one fondly as we all know.....)


1 comment:

  1. Happy toe dipping, what are you planning on painting up first?
